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Made In America - Friday, March 04, 2011

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AAM Update
March 4, 2011
The spotlight shines on Made in America.


Dear Friend: 

As we told you earlier this week, ABC World News has jumped on the 'Made in America'  bandwagon.  Their series of segments focusing on the Usry family in Dallas have shown all of us that it is indeed possible to "Keep it Made in America."


In fact, as ABC anchor Diane Sawyer pointed out, if Americans spent an extra $64 a year on American-made goods, we could create 200,000 new jobs. 


It's not just ABC News that is catching on to the importance of supporting domestic American manufacturers and their workers, however.  We've seen a massive increase in comments and traffic on our Facebook page, as more and more Americans become vocal about Keep it Made in America.  The message is indeed spreading.


ABC is very committed to the "Made in America" movement and is producing an interactive map identifying U.S. manufacturers of household goods.  You can help them complete their list by sending ABC's producers an email describing any factories in your community that make furniture, linens, kitchenware, and other appliances.


More importantly, we want to keep you as up-to-date as possible on the Keep it Made in America movement.  We're hoping that you'll subscribe to our new Daily Digest.  Each afternoon, we publish a newsletter with the latest headlines on "Make it in America."  To subscribe, just sign up on this page, or send us an email, and we'll subscribe you.


When you subscribe, you'll also have the option to sign up for an "Early Shift Email" with links to the day's top stories.


We hope you'll subscribe to our new Digest and Early Shift emails.  We want you to be on the leading edge of the "Make it in America" revival.

Together we can keep it made in America.
Scott N. Paul
Executive Director

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