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Retiree talks about importance of Voting - Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Should I vote or not, will it really may a difference?? The answer is very
simple “ HELL YES”. You should vote and it will make a difference. In the
Primary this year there were many close votes, in some cases the votes were so
close they were recounted and recounted and recounted .. too those, who did not
vote because of voter apathy… you could have made “the difference”.
If you really think your vote doesn’t matter, you should ask the question why do
the candidates spend millions and millions of dollars on campaign ads (TV,
Radio, newspaper, signs etc..) it’s simple because they need your VOTE…
remember, the candidate with the largest number of VOTES is declare the Winner.
Again, that is why you need to vote!

I just received my November issue of the American Rifleman , an NRA magazine
(this is not an attempted endorsement, I am a Democrat that believes in the 2nd
amendment , just used to support my point). What do you think was the issue on
the front, and back covers and on at least six pages inside. You guess it..
NRA-ILA Political Preference Chart’s. The front cover read “Use Your Most
Powerful Ammo to Save Freedom! VOTE . They included their recommendations for
U.S. Senate, U.S. House and Governor’s Race. On the back cover it also reads
“Only YOU Can Make the Difference!

When you consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that are spent on
elections by Corporations, whose bottom line has always been PROFIT. It is no
secret that our VOTE is of most importance to them. Why else would they waste
their profits for something of little or no value? This morning on the news it
reported thatjust one corporation gave one candidate $600,000, and you still
think your vote don’t matter!!

Your vote may be one of your most valuable assets. It can truly make a
difference. It is now time to think who will work for you … if elected.

We have all watched the poor get poorer and the middle class erode. While the
rich get richer. We now have a President, and some Congressmen who want to
shift the help from Wall Street to Main Street. Wall Street and the Corporate
World doesn’t like that and feel threaten and have been resisting every change
that will help me and you.

I truly hope that you will Man up, Woman up, Cowboy up or just plain Get up and
go vote, and remember the Party that votes for Minimum wage, Health Care,
Retirement Benefits, Unemployment Benefits and wants to reestablish the middle

Aren’t you tired of those “Who Have, telling those of us who are Have Not’s we
need less so they can have more,,, Wall Street need big bonus, but you don’t
need Unemployment. I take pride that my vote can cancel out some greed CEO.

I would like to challenge all of my brothers and sister to vote. Remember, your
vote will only count if you caste it at your poll. In a Democracy , your most
powerful asset is your

Jimmy Jackson.

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